Resources - Incident Reporting



CG-BSX Policy Letter 23-01, CH-1 (26 Sep 2023) - Change 1 to Recreational Boating Incident Reporting

Updates CG-BSX Policy Letter 23-01 (27 Jan 2023). Effective for incidents occurring on or after 1 Jan 2024, the policy provides guidance on the reporting requirements in 33 CFR Parts 173 and 174 to avoid unnecessary reporting of occurrences to the Coast Guard.

Frequently Asked Questions about the policy letter and related issues

FAQs related to CG-BSX Policy Letter 23-01, CH-1. Questions are grouped by topics: thresholds (damage and injury), “reportable” vs “not reportable” occurrences, and documentation. Page will be updated as new questions of general interest arise.

Checklist of policy implementation tasks for states (and sample "to do" chart)

The checklist and chart present basic tasks or actions a state may need to undertake or consider undertaking to align its reporting systems, forms, training and related matters with the requirements in CG-BSX Policy Letter 23-01, CH-1. The sample "to do" chart--also available as an editable Microsoft® Word document--is an adaptation of one state's tracking efforts. 

Incident reporting decision tools -- based on CG-BSX PL 23-01, CH-1, which recreational boating incidents require a report to the U.S. Coast Guard?

Anticipated release of Reporting Decision Matrix and supplemental detail, June 2024. 

Incident (event) type terms and definitions -- tracking the "old" to "new"

For purposes of recording incident-related data, revised term labels effective Jan. 1, 2024. Table presents the old (recently-used) term labels against the term labels and definitions presented in CG-BSX 23-01, CH-1, section 4. Terms Used in This Document.

National webinars highlighting policy changes

March 15 and 20, 2023 webinars on initial CG-BSX Policy Letter 23-01 (27 Jan 2023): covered major policy changes contained in the January issuance and outlined expected impacts on report data collection in 2024. 

Nov. 7 and 13 webinars on CG-BSX Policy Letter 23-01, CH-1 Change 1 (26 Sep 2023)covered major changes contained in the updated letter, presented a preview of the products and guidance in development by ERAC, and addressed significant impacts on BARD and its related processes and forms; included an example of a state's BARD screen updates. 

PDFs of the slides and speaker notes for both sets of webinars are included with the recording entries in NASBLA's eLearning Center .

Consensus Recommendations - Incident Reporting Policy Project

Collaboration between the USCG, States and NASBLA/ERAC initiated in November 2017 resulted in comprehensive recommendations to inform development of national reporting policies and procedures. CG-BSX Policy Letter CG-BSX 23-01, CH-1 addresses recommendations in one of the eight sections of the 2020 report. 

----Consensus Recommendations to the U.S. Coast Guard (June 2020, accepted by vote of NASBLA membership July 31, 2020). PDF package includes items incorporated into the consensus recommendations document by reference---reporting decision matrix, summary chart of recommended report data elements, and updates of five report categories' terms and definitions originally developed in the USCG/ERAC Accident Reporting Terms and Definitions Project (2012-2013).
----Resource Document (v. June 2020):
Extensive detail on the policy project and the process of developing the consensus recommendations

Other policy guidance and best practices for reporting:

---Good Practices for Writing Incident Report Narratives

---Guidance in Documenting Alcohol and Drug Involvement in Recreational Boating Incidents

---Resources for Recognizing and Reporting Electric Shock Drownings

---Resources for Recognizing and Reporting Carbon Monoxide (CO) Incidents

----Human Performance Investigation Guidance & Data Collection in Recreational Boating Incidents


page last updated June 2024

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