
The National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) endeavors to ensure safe and enjoyable boating on our nation's waterways. This vast undertaking would not be possible without the tremendous support provided by our associate members and partners in boating safety.
Associate membership in NASBLA may be granted to corporations, associations or others that want to assist NASBLA in its objectives and in advancing recreational boating safety.
Prospective members are encouraged to complete the membership application found online at and submit it along with membership payment and a brief description of their organization's interest in boating safety.
Membership fees provide direct support for programs to improve boating safety throughout North America and to enhance communications in recreational boating safety enforcement and education. In addition to supporting these important programs, NASBLA annual organizational fees also provide direct member benefits including:
  • Membership on NASBLA committees
  • Complimentary copies of NASBLA publications
  • Discounts on exhibit space at the annual conference
  • Invitation to BLA-Associate gatherings
  • Listing in the NASBLA Associate directory online

Nonprofit/501(c)(3) organization: $300
All other organizations: $1,000

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