Give Us Your Input

Tell us what you think about the Lighthouse

The Lighthouse was imagined several years ago when there were not as many easy-to-use options for organizing and accessing resources on the NASBLA website. More recently, however, there has been a proliferation of online knowledge and learning tools across the association, notably with the addition of a number of NASBLA Connect communities and libraries and eLearning opportunities.

In light of these changes, an ERAC charge team has begun reassessing the entire Lighthouse platform and its contents with an eye toward enhancing access to and use of the committee's products. They'll be seeking user--and potential user--feedback in the weeks ahead .... but if you have immediate thoughts about how to improve it, or just want to tell us how you use the current content, please drop us an email at, and make sure you use the subject line Lighthouse Feedback.

Give direction to ERAC's future charge work

ERAC's current set of charges for the committee cycle can be viewed at But you can submit issues, topics, and ideas at any time during the year by heading over to the NASBLA Lighthouse Community Discussion Forum, currently located in NASBLA Connect. Post your comments to the discussion thread titled "Proposed Issues and Topics for Committee Action."  Or send us an email at, and make sure you use the subject line ERAC Topic. Before you take that step, though, please review the procedure that guides how we receive, review, and make decisions about interim submissions.

page last updated Nov. 3, 2020

The NASBLA Lighthouse

Spotlighting information, tools and resources for your reporting, data and research needs and challenges ...

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