Meeting Materials

2024 Committee Meeting Materials (updated 04-08-24)

Preliminary Agenda (public copy) for March 14 Meeting

Committee Charges and Teams (updated April)

National RBS Strategic Plan 2022-2026

Charge Task Sheets - Quick Notes captured during March 14 Meeting

RBS Program Update (Verne Gifford, State RBS Workshop, March 12 presentation)


IR&A 2024 Extension - Incident Reporting - Monitor/Act on USCG Policy Development

Consensus Recommendations to the US Coast Guard (June 2020)

CG-BSX Policy Letter 23-01, CH-1 (26 Sep 2023), effective Jan. 2024


IR&A 2024-1 Best Practices Development (Incident Reporting)

Resources - Incident Reporting 

Frequently Asked Questions (re CG-BSX 23-01, CH-1)

Policy implementation checklist for states

Reporting Decision Graphic (quick reference) and Detail 

Original request to external reviewers, includes feedback received (Basecamp)

Reporting Decision Graphic working doc_rev 030624_part 3 reformat_w notes (Basecamp)

Results of team discussion of external reviewers' feedback (Basecamp)

[more documents to be posted as needed]

What's in your toolbox? (Tammy Terry, State RBS Workshop, March 13 presentation-w/speaker notes)


IR&A 2024-2 Reporting System Redesign (Incident Reporting)

[documents to be posted as needed]


IR&A 2024-3 - Human Factors: Refine Data Collection/Analysis 

Distraction-Visibility Matrix (Florida example) - CY 2022

Florida Human Factors Chart - by Fatalities, Injuries, Damages - 2022-2023

Distractions List - from 2012 project w/2020 updates


S&R 2024-1 - National Recreational Boating Safety Surveys (NRBSS) --Input to 2026

Proposed - 2026 Participation Survey Questions - 2018 Crosswalk

Proposed - 2026 Exposure Survey Questions - 2018 Crosswalk

2018 NRBSS Exposure Survey Final Report

2018 NRBSS Participation Survey Final Report

Errata sheet for 2018 reports

NRBSS Stakeholder Engagement Session, Dec. 12, 2023 - slides, notes, poll results


S&R 2024-2 - Investigate Factors Associated with Pandemic


K&CM 2024-1 - Lighthouse Evaluation and ERAC Product Placement

[Preview at meeting]


page last updated March 19, 2024