National Paddlesports Committee Honor

Apply for the National Paddlesports Committee Honor (NPCH)—Show Your Commitment to Paddling Safety!

If your business creates paddling-focused content on social media, apply for the National Paddlesports Committee Honor (NPCH) this year. Companies that meet the social media and website standards set by the National Paddlesports Committee can earn this prestigious recognition.


In today’s digital world, social media is full of content that prioritizes style over safety. The National Paddlesports Committee seeks to celebrate and honor those exceptional companies that focus on promoting safe paddling behaviors and understand the impact their online content can have on the paddling community.


Why Apply?

Whether you have a large or small following, your online presence is making an impact. By receiving the NPCH and displaying the logo on your company’s website and social media profiles, you can show your customers, followers, and peers that you care more about their safety and well-being on the water than simply looking cool. 


The NPCH is a brand-new honor this year, and being one of the first recipients offers opportunities for positive publicity. Your company could gain media coverage, as well as recognition by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) on their social media and website. Receiving this recognition could be a valuable addition to your marketing plan. It’s an opportunity to highlight your commitment to safety and to recognize and appreciate your employees who are responsible for upholding the high standards in the content your company shares online.


Why It Matters

What we see online can influence what we do on the water. As a recipient of the NPCH, you become part of a growing movement focused on promoting safe paddling practices. By decreasing the representation of unsafe actions in photos and videos online, we can collectively reduce risky behaviors and create a safer paddling environment for all.


The Application Process is Simple!

If your business follows safe paddling guidelines and meets the NPCH criteria, we want to hear from you! Apply today and become part of a select group of businesses making a real difference in the Paddlesports community.


Together, we have the potential to decrease unsafe behaviors by decreasing the representation of those behaviors in photos and videos online. Be a part of this movement towards change and help us create a safe paddling environment for all—apply today!


The NPCH application process is simple. View the application and guidelines here.


If you have questions, please contact the NASBLA Paddlesports Committee.