The Boat Operations and Training (BOAT) Program establishes a U.S. Coast Guard recognized national standard for the training, qualification, credentialing and typing of marine law enforcement and emergency first responders. Adoption and implementation of the program provides a true national standard for maritime interoperability at all government levels. Standardization ensures maritime agencies can interact together and will bolster their ability to act as force multipliers nationwide.
Adapted from the U.S. Coast Guard’s Boat Forces training framework, the BOAT Program is comprised of vital maritime training and management components, including:
- System Policy
- The Training and Qualification Process
- Boat Crew Qualification Tasks
- Program Manager Roles and Responsibilities
- Boat Crew Currency Maintenance
- Documentation Requirements
BOAT Program Manuals
Volume 1, Overview (Rev. 09.24.19)
Volume 2, Qualifications
Volume 3, Qualifications for Boat Operator for Search & Rescue
Boat Crew Qualification Handbook - Vol. 1 - Boat Crewmember and Engineer
Boat Crew Qualification Handbook - Vol. 2 - Coxswain
Boat Crew Qualification Handbook - Vol. 3 - ATON
Boat Crew Qualification Handbook - Vol. 4 - Ice Rescue
BOAT CREW HANDBOOK - Boat Operations – BCH 16114.1
BOAT CREW HANDBOOK - Rescue and Survival Procedures – BCH 16114.2
BOAT CREW HANDBOOK - Navigation and Piloting – BCH 16114.3
BOAT CREW HANDBOOK - Seamanship Fundamentals – BCH 16114.4
BOAT CREW HANDBOOK - First Aid – BCH 16114.5
Boat Crew Handbook Crosswalk