The purpose of this Reference Guide is to summarize the information that was gathered in research of states’ boating laws. The research was conducted by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators. Presented as dashboards, the guide will assist state boating law administrators and others to improve state boating law programs. It provides information about specific state boating laws, regulations, and other areas of boating safety interest. When developing new policies or instituting new programs, it is common to ask what other states are doing in the area. These dashboards help provide those answers. The guide aims to promote greater uniformity in state boating laws and regulations and to facilitate the efficient administration and enforcement of boating laws.
All laws and regulations detailed in the Reference Guide were in effect as of May, 2020, except as otherwise noted. The laws and regulations are subject to change without notice by agencies, states or the U.S. Coast Guard. Contact the appropriate state boating program for more details on the latest information.