Developing Boating Skill Course Conformity Assessment Processes
Based on National Skill Standards
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Presenters: Kim Jackson, Arizona Boating and OHV Safety Education Program Manager
Brian K. Dorval, President of Think First Serve Inc.
Pam Dillion, CAE, NASBLA Director of Education & Standards Division
As part of the 2016 "Spring Aboard - Take a Boating Course" national marketing campaign, a process is being developed to verify on-water skills courses which meet the voluntary national boating skill standards. Verified courses will be marketed as part of the Spring Aboard Campaign along with knowledge courses previously approved by NASBLA.
This session covers what is meant by 'conformity assessment' as defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). With funding from a current U.S. Coast Guard grant, a process will be implemented to verify a course as meeting recognized on-water skill standards for power, sail, or human-propelled boating courses. Successful completion of the conformity assessment process will result in the award of a 'Verified Course' mark indicating "This Course Content meets National Boating Skill Standards as Recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard."
*This is a repeat of the session presented on September 15, 2015 at the NASBLA Annual Conference in Wichita, Kansas.