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Capt. Chris Day Awarded Certified Recreational Boating Professional (CRBP) Certification

Capt. Chris Day Awarded Certified Recreational Boating Professional (CRBP) Certification
Capt. Chris Day
On January 31, 2024, Captain Chris Day passed the Certified Recreational Boating Professional (CRBP) exam and was awarded his CRBP certification. The National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) is pleased to recognize Capt. Chris Day as one of the individuals who have recently attained the CRBP credential.
The CRBP certification, developed by NASBLA, is a voluntary credential for recreational boating professionals that encompasses knowledge, performance, and career achievements in specific program domains.
Chris Day, a U.S. Coast Guard 100-ton Master Captain, has more than two decades of experience providing on-the-water training in the recreational and professional maritime domain.
Captain Day’s exceptional skills and dedication to saving lives have earned him several national maritime life-saving awards. Notably, he was honored with the BoatUS Foundation's Tower of the Year award and the National Safe Boating Council's Silver Schooner award in 2023.
With his extensive knowledge and experience in on-water public safety and recreational boating training, Captain Day is highly proficient in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals in various water-related emergencies. His expertise makes him an invaluable asset in this critical field.
Please join NASBLA in congratulating Captain Chris Day for achieving the title of Certified Recreational Boating Professional! 

