Login to National Association of State Boating Law Administrators

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Email *
Password: *
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New Users

ATTENTION-New Security Updates

Beginning February 3, 2023 you will be prompted to login using your email address as your username, if you already use your email address then you will notice no changes.


Due to new software security you will/may receive an email asking for verification of your email address from MemberSuite Support (donotreply@membersuite.com.) This is a LEGIT email. Please see the example email below:

Thanks for Logging Into Your Association

Please Verify Your Email Below.

Thank you for logging into your association’s console or member portal. We have improved the security of our systems to ensure your information is safe, and we need you to complete one last step to verify your identity.

Please verify your email address by clicking the verification link for your account:



Verification Link


The link will expire in 7 days, and can only be used once.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your association directly.

If you have questions, please contact info@nasbla.org.

With this portal, you will have the capability to update your own membership information, renew your membership, and register for events.

If you are the Billing Contact of a member agency/company you will have two options upon login.

1) login as yourself for registrations, etc

2) login as the company to renew membership, update company information, etc.

Please log in with your username and password in the box to the left. If you don't know your password, or you've forgotten it, select Forgot Password.

Association Management Software by MemberSuite
   Core Version: